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If you’ve been cooped up during Covid and plan on traveling for the holidays, we’ve gathered some recommendations and tips from the latest Covid updates. Whether you’re headed over to a family member’s home or headed out of town, things have changed over the past couple weeks.

A couple things that have changed about traveling via car, plane, etc. this year is that there will be significantly less travelers, lines and traffic. Airlines, for example, have increased sanitation frequency and methods to keep up with the growing number of travelers over the past few months and now into the holiday season. But with traveling, there will still be lines, using public restrooms, touching a gas pump, being in high foot traffic areas, etc.

Health professionals recommend the standard social distancing practice of 6 feet, wearing a mask and frequently washing hands to reduce the chances of contracting Covid, whether you’re at the supermarket or hopping on a plane. Below, we’ll include some recommendations from the CDC, Mayo Clinic and the USVI Department of Health.


Traveling by Plane

  • Firstly, check with your destination about any restrictions that might affect a traveler from the US or other countries. You may have to take a Covid test upon entering the country, quarantine, etc.
  • It’s recommended, but not mandatory, you take a Covid test about 13 days prior to traveling. Take a look at this link here if you test positive.
  • When returning home, to protect your family, coworkers and those around you, it’s recommended a Covid test is taken while practicing social distancing, wearing a mask (even indoors until the results of your test have been released) and frequently washing hands. See the CDC recommendations about what to do after returning home here.
  • You will have to stand in lines and be within 6 feet of other people while flying the majority of the time, you are at high risk while traveling, so make sure to protect yourself and others by wearing a mask, washing hands and not traveling if sick.


Traveling by Car

  • Traveling via car is relatively simple if you’re traveling on your own or with family members, masks are not needed in the car if you live with the passengers.
  • Wear a mask outside of the car whether you’re pumping gas, in the gas station, etc.


Traveling in general puts you at high risk since you will most likely be in same close quarters to other travelers on trains, buses or planes. At Mosquito Magnet, we want everyone to be safe and do their part this holiday season! Questions? Call your destination before traveling, especially if traveling internationally and reference your local department of health, the CDC, Mayo Clinic, WHO, etc.